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2022-02-23 20:30:33来源:蜂巢航宇 作者:深无协 点击次数:1882次字号:|


       Morning of February 23,2022. Tunisia, Namibia, Zambia, UnitedArab Emirates, Malawi, Cameroon, Kuwait, Egypt, Sultan, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Congo(cloth), Iraq, Tanzania, Burundi, Coted'Ivoire, Algeria, Rwanda, Nigeria, Algeria, Burundi, and  Gabon. A delegation composed of military attach é s and their assistants from 23 embassies in China visited honeycomb Aerospace Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd.  


       Li Wei, Chairman of Honeycomb Aerospace, and the leaders of ALIT and AVIC warmly received them, introduced the development history and development vision of Honeycomb Aerospace. Chairman Li Wei said that Honeycomb Aerospace has been committed to  going global since its establishment, especially in recentyears, it has actively explored overseas markets and expanded business cooperation with countries in the Middle East and Africa.  


       During the exchange, Li Wei, Chairman of Honeycomb Aerospace, gave a comprehensive introduction to the company'soverall development and team members to the embassy representatives. The SU-30 multi-rotor intelligent UAV and the SU-50 intelligent UAV related products were introduced to the delegates, and they watched the videos of each product together.  


        During the introduction of the intelligent UAV series products, flight demonstrations were carried out for representatives of various embassies. The SU-50 intelligent UAV operates autonomously under remote control, and supports timed take-off and landing, automatic charging, and multi-machine collaboration (supports AB cabin) and intelligent data processing and other functions. Reduce the level of personnel participation, solve application pain points such as users can't fly, darenotfly, and fly well The characteristics of unmanned operation were explained in detail for the representatives.  


       During this visit and exchange, the HC-332H, HC-525 and low-altitude UAV defense systems were exhibited at the exchange site as key product representatives.  


       The second-generation of Honeycomb fixed-wing VTOL Smart inspection system was officially launched inAugust 2020. Based on a more comprehensive solution to the application requirements of smart UAV inspection systems in various industries, the vertical fixed-wing smart UAV inspection system has beentested and upgraded by multiple parties. A variety of versions have been fully introduced to the marketprovide the best solution for long-distance application scenarios such as road inspection, powerinspection, oil pipelineinspection, and river environmental inspection.  


       The low-altitude UAV defense system is a special UAV defense system that has passed the inspection and certification of the Ministry of Public Security's Safety and Police Electronic Product Quality Inspection Center. It has the functions of positioning detection, videotracking, identification and directional interference suppression of UAVs.. The system uses TDOA radio detection and positioning technology, and uses big data processing, artificial intelligence and machinelearning to accurately detect, track, locate, and identify multiple UAVs at low altitudes. Visual judgment of UAVs and directed interference strikes on dangerous targets. Expand the traditional plane security system into a three-dimensional security system to a chievelow-altitude protection within a radius of 4,000 meters of the defense area. It has been widely used in government agencies, prison guards, airports, petrochemicals, military restricted areas, major events and other fields.  


       HC-540 adopts a hybrid electric power system. It is a vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing UAV platform with universal mounting capabilities. It can carry different mission loads to complete normal inspections, 2D/3D aerial surveys, special equipment transportation, etc. For missions, the platform is capable of fully autonomous flight and can be equipped with missile launching equipment to accurately track and strike targets.  


       The representatives of the Embassy in China expressed their thanks to the exchange meeting held by honeycomb aerosp ace, and said that the performance of honeycomb Aerospace UAV has outstanding advantages in the overseas market. They fully affirmed the achievements ma de by honeycomb Aerospace since its establishment, and hoped to strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the future and promote the development of UAV industry in the world, Bring more beneficial effects to everyone.  


       Honeycomb Aerospace held this event with a group of Embassy representatives today, aiming to strengthen exchanges with countries and enhance interactive relations with countries. At the same time, it also learned from representatives, put forward more guiding opinions on the development of Honeycomb Aerospace UAVs, help Honeycomb Aerospace expand its international vision and lay a solid foundation for its future development in the international market.